
Driven by Chris King, Managing Director, whose experience in a wide range of technical, sales, marketing and senior managerial positions across crop, livestock production and companion animal sciences throughout the globe has given a base of appreciation as to where the demands and requirements of today's and tomorrow's production systems lie for a sustainable, safe and economic market.

Evolve works with an experienced and qualified team and links to support the services throughout the region.

Chris originates from a farming background in Australia and completed his thesis of improvement of color in red wines from the University of Sydney Australia. Chris has then followed a career path in crop and livestock orientation based in Australia, USA, Brazil, India and Thailand. The work has included technical, sales, marketing and general management. His accomplishments include successful launching of new products, startup operations, reviving and growing businesses. He has extensive experience in the Asian marketplace.

Evolve employs a team of experienced and qualified professionals plus utilizes outside resources who are located throughout the globe to effectively compliment the services and products provided.

Evolve works with an experienced advisory board to help focus future activities.

About Chris