
  • Grow

    Grow is a natural organic liquid bio fertilizer concentrate manufactured with a patented aqua aerobic nutrient extraction process incorporating a balanced supply of macro and micro nutrients and added beneficial bacteria for soil health. The product can be delivered through foliar spray or through irrigation systems for commercial or domestic uses.

    - Simple to use
    - Suitable for all plants from broadacre to organic gardens
    - Nutrient balanced
    - Increases yield and enables a longer production period
    - Healthier plants
    - Safe to crops
    - No burning of seedlings
    - Safe to applicator and environment
    – no undesired pathogens or contaminants
    - Foliar application for quicker absorption of nutrients
    - Rapidly increases microbial activity for healthy soil.
    - pH neutral = immediate plant acceptance and maximum plant uptake
    - Accelerates dry matter breakdown creating a valuable carbon and organic matter source
    - Establishes a healthy deep root system
    - Increases a natural resistance to pest, disease and climatic variation
    - Enhances flavor, sugar/brix levels and nutritional value
    - Chemical free

  • Diategrow

    DiateGrow comes in 2 forms. Aggregates or powder form. They are a premium soil amendment designed to reduce water usage, improve drainage, increase plant available water and reduce soil compaction. When used on the surface DiateGrow Aggregates will reduce water loss, prevent dust and surface drying, plus protect desired plants from weed growth and improve aesthetics.

    - Increases water use efficiency
    - Improves drainage
    - Reduces soil compaction
    - pH stable
    - Provides open structure for air flow
    - Natural freshwater origin and beneficial to the environment
    - Stimulates the growth of beneficial soil biology
    - Good thermal insulation
    - Long lasting
    - Light weight (< 350 kg/cbm) (compare with small stone as cover at >1000 kg/cbm) aprox 3 time lighter
    - Easier to carry
    - Less weight in pots, on infrastructure
    - Microporous structure – provides proper amount of oxygenation for growth of roots
    - Reusable

  • Diateguard

    DiateGuard consists of diatomite in fine powder form suitable for natural insect control.

    - Natural chemical free anticaking and insect control agent
    - The insect and fly control process is purely mechanical not chemical hence avoids resistance
    - No withholding period
    - May be compatible with organic programs
    - Preserves nutrient value of raw material by avoiding insect damage

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